We believe that change can only be done through the work of Jesus Christ. Please pray regularly for Giving Heart volunteers and guests. Pray for those in our community that are struggling spiritually, financially, and emotionally. Pray for those who are oppressed and those who are overcome with hardships. God has the power to transform lives and we desire to be instruments through whom He works.
We accept various donations for emergency provisions to clients and operational items at our facility.
Donations can be accepted Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10am - and 2:30 pm but please call or email ahead of time to make sure we'll be available.
If you are interested volunteering at Giving Heart please fill out our Volunteer form for more information.
Please support us on your everyday purchases from Amazon!
Setting up Giving Heart Englewood as your charity is an easy way to help.
Thank you for considering a gift to Giving Heart Englewood.
PayPal is an option and it is greatly appreciated.
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